Marketing in 4 steps

Marketing is simple. As you make it simpler and simpler – your marketing efforts start showing better and better results.

1) Invent a thing worth making, a story worth telling, a contribution worth talking about or a product which makes you say “WoW”

2) Design and build it in a way that people will actually benefit from it and care about.
It must solve a real problem.

3) Tell a great story that gets everyone excited. Find the right people to tell your story. Your story cannot be for everyone. Even if 10 people are interested in your story at first- that is a great beginning.   

4) This is most overlooked step. The part where you show up, regularly, consistently and generously, for years and years, to organize and lead and build confidence in the change you seek to make.

#MarketingTips #MarketingInsights #reversemarketing #MarketingStrategy #MarketingCampaign #DigitalMarketing #MarketingConsultancy #Branding #BrandStrategy #ProductLaunchSuccess  #BrandAwareness #SalesBoost 

Hemant Mishrra

About the author: Hemant is the Founder & CEO of branding and marketing firm ”Neeti Brand Accelerator” in Mumbai. He is a brand strategist and has worked with more than 150 brands during last two decades. He is also mentor and coach to SMEs and startups. You can visit the website You can contact him at

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