Perfection is Overrated – Here’s Why You Should Settle for 70%

You know that guy who has been talking about launching his startup for the last three years? Yeah, we all do. He has a brilliant idea, a foolproof business plan, an MBA-worthy deck, and an obsession with perfection. The only thing he doesn’t have? A product.

Look, I get it. The world tells us to plan, prepare, analyze, forecast, re-analyze, and then analyze the analysis. But at some point, you have to stop playing Excel-Excel and actually do something. Otherwise, you’ll be like that one uncle at Indian weddings who promises to start his diet “from Monday” after every buffet. Spoiler alert: Monday never comes.

Perfection is the Plague of Our Time

Perfectionism has become a disease. Psychologists even have a fancy name for it – Perfection Infection (though it sounds like a side effect of using expired fairness cream). It’s the reason why some people rewrite WhatsApp messages five times before hitting send. It’s why Indian parents still believe their child should score 100/100 in every subject (because apparently, 99 is just a fancy way of saying “failure”).

But perfectionism isn’t just annoying – it’s dangerous. It paralyzes action, kills momentum, and ensures that you never actually achieve anything. Here’s how to tell if you suffer from this affliction:

10 Signs You Might Be a Perfectionist

  1. You still cringe about that one mistake you made five years ago.
  2. If you can’t do something perfectly, you’d rather not do it at all.
  3. You expect perfection from others and get frustrated when they fall short.
  4. Asking for help feels like admitting weakness.
  5. You continue a task long after everyone else has given up.
  6. You correct other people’s grammar (even on social media, where nobody cares).
  7. You judge people with messy desks as if they’re criminals.
  8. You hate making mistakes in front of others.
  9. You noticed there were only nine points here and it really bothered you. (Gotcha!)

Stop Aiming for Perfect – Aim for Progress

At some point, you have to let go of perfection and just start. Do you think Nike waited for the perfect shoe before launching? Nope. Apple’s first iPhone didn’t even have copy-paste. McDonald’s didn’t perfect their burger in a lab for decades – they put it out there and kept improving.

Reverse Marketing 101:
Launch first, refine later. The world rewards those who take action, not those who make the prettiest PowerPoints.

Miriam Adderholdt, author of Perfectionism: What’s Bad About Being Too Good?, put it best:

There’s a difference between excellence and perfection. Excellence is enjoying what you’re doing, feeling good about what you’ve learned, and developing confidence. Perfection is feeling bad about a 98 and always finding mistakes, no matter how well you’re doing.”

If you’re 70% ready, jump! If you wait for 100%, you’ll still be waiting when Ambanis are launching Wi-Fi on Mars.

So stop overthinking, start doing, and remember – Done is always better than perfect. 

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Hemant Mishrra

About the author: Hemant is the Founder & CEO of branding and marketing firm ”Neeti Brand Accelerator” in Mumbai.
He is a brand strategist and has worked with more than 100 brands during last two decades. He is also mentor and coach to SMEs and startups.
His new techno-marketing venture “Avissa Connect” provides solutions for WhatsApp and Chatbot marketing to Business Owners.
You can visit the website You can contact him at

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