Surprise is an awe-inspiring emotion

Who doesn’t like to be surprised?

Walt Disney has a year-long theme, “The Year of a Million Dreams,”

Disney has added a brilliant twist to the age-old favourite. They’ve added a surprise.

Here’s their twist. “Imagine walking through one of the Walt Disney World

Theme Parks when a Cast Member taps you on the shoulder to offer you a

dream come true. Right now, over a million extra-special dreams, some

thought impossible, are being randomly awarded to people just like you.”

Surprise your customers and they will never forget you. Give them

unexpected gifts, vacation holidays, free tickets to music concerts or cricket

Try to give them extended credit, when they least expect it.

Test this theory at home. Send a large bouquet of flowers to your wife today

with an “I love you note” when you are in office.
Either you will have a great weekend or she will talk to your family doctor.

Surprise is the ultimate “Wow” factor. This is a great marketing tool, which

is not used often.

Surprise is an awe-inspiring emotion. It demands to be shared. How could

you add one of Disney’s favourite elements – “surprise” – to your marketing toolkit .

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Hemant Mishrra

About the author: Hemant is the Founder & CEO of branding and marketing firm ”Neeti Brand Accelerator” in Mumbai. He is a brand strategist and has worked with more than 150 brands during last two decades. He is also mentor and coach to SMEs and startups. You can visit the website and you can also contact him at

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