5 ways to make your marketing more creative

5 ways to make your marketing more creative

What makes marketing creative?Is it more imagination or innovation? Is a creative marketer more artist or entrepreneur?Historically, the term “marketing creative” has been associated with the words and pictures that go into ad campaigns. But marketing, like other corporate functions, has become more complex and rigorous. Marketers need to master data analytics, customer experience, and…

Is it smart to pick a fight with your competitor?

Is it smart to pick a fight with your competitor?

If you think a Competitor sucks, say so. When you do that you’ll find that others who agree with you will rally do your side. Being anti-competition is a great way to differentiate yourself and attract followers. For example, Dunkin’ Donuts likes to position itself as the anti-Starbucks.Its ads mock Starbucks for using “Fritalian” terms…

12 Super Tips To Brand Your Small Business

12 Super Tips To Brand Your Small Business

During the last 18 months, small businesses got hit faster. Generally, the most meaningful response to any such crisis is to stop all marketing expenses. This could be a big mistake. Here are some ideas on recovering from the terrible phase, which all small businesses faced. These super tips will help you get back to your feet faster and can help you grow your…

Dump New Year’s Resolutions – Do These 3 Things Instead

Dump New Year’s Resolutions – Do These 3 Things Instead

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions anymore. Finally, I have realised that they don’t work. Every year, you feel terrible from January 10th onwards. This is the time when resolution carnage starts taking place. So take my advice. Dump all New Year resolutions. I have more than 15 years of experience in making and breaking…

10 Reasons Why Office Meetings Are Turning Toxic and How To Fix Them

10 Reasons Why Office Meetings Are Turning Toxic and How To Fix Them

80% of the time of 80% of the people in meetings is wasted. The Economist If you have attended any office meeting during the Covid era, you will understand what I mean. Meetings have become a new form of corporate torture. The meeting is the single most reason why productivity in any organisation nose dives.In…

5 Steps to take when  launching your product in Indian Market

5 Steps to take when launching your product in Indian Market

You have the whole company against you. You’ve spent months of training and building up hype for this glorious new product that’s going to change the world, and now it’s come out and everyone in the market either doesn’t want it or can’t use it. What’s a sane person to do? Hit the pause button…

10 Tips For Marketing Your Products During The Festive Season

10 Tips For Marketing Your Products During The Festive Season

There is a mindset that consumers have during this festive season of year. It’s about giving and receiving gifts. Consumers want to be able to give as well as get, and they’re willing to do anything to achieve that goal. They’re willing to wade through all the promotions, looking for the ones that offer gifts…

Fear is The Key

Fear is The Key

Fear is the key why branding fails so massively When you are fearful while branding – It is like a self goal. All our clients want break-through ideas. They tell us that they have hired us to give them out-of-the-box solutions. They want innovative thoughts, which will shake the world. The key assumption is that…

The Magic Of 15%

The Magic Of 15%

Know the Magic of 15% which will completely blow your mind! When a newspaper loses 15 % of its readers and 15% of its advertisers, it goes out of business. People still want to read it, but it’s gone. When a company increases its sale by 15%, it doubles its profit. Any sale above break-even…

3 Ways to Stop Killing Yourself Due to Perfection Paralysis

3 Ways to Stop Killing Yourself Due to Perfection Paralysis

Fail to plan and plan to fail- very boring and uninspiring thought. I know of a friend who is planning to launch his new product for the last 3 years because he is obsessed with perfection. Today, the cost of the project has gone up by 60 % and four new competitors have launched a…